Marvin Baker
Leslie Benoy
Benton County Veterans Memorial
Sharon Carlisle
Kenneth & Mary Cunningham
Diamond Woods Men's Club
​Eugene Downtown Lions
Florence Band of Brothers
Ed Goering
​​Harts Nursery of Jefferson. Inc.
Darlene Hickson
Millersburg Celebration
Oregon Veterans Motorcycle Association - Wind Riders
Ted & Rita Powell
Michael & Maxine Rainbolt Military Endowment
Springfield Lions Club
Truck'n Travel
Vietnam Veterans of America #585
Walmart Eugene Superstore
Honor Flight of Oregon: serving veterans in Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Coos and Curry counties
Website: www.honorflightoforegon.org
Phone: (541) 450.9807
Honor Flight of Central Oregon: serving WWII and Korean War veterans in Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties
Website: www.honorflightofcentraloregon.org
Phone: (720) 257.1803 or (503) 869.0318
Honor Flight of Portland: serving veterans of Multnomah, Washington, Clatsop, Hood River, Columbia, Clackamas, Marion, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill counties
Website: www.portlandhonorflight.org
Phone: (971) 264.0814
Other Oregon Locations: serving veterans who live outside of the above hub areas, should contact Honor Flight Network by sending an email to eagle@honorflight.org for inclusion in the Lone Eagle Program.
Website: www.honorflight.org
Phone: (937) 521.2400